Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Bikini ~ OR ~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

I love em all !


  1. (wolf howl)

    Ah, yes. Now I know what it is that we're fighting for. If you put those women in hajab it would be a crime against humanity.

  2. LL, then we'll leave them right they are and ENJOY!

  3. Randy, I know ... we might get our first storm on Monday.

  4. Thanks I need a break from all the politics! Gonna sit back and watch LSU whip Texas A&M today!

  5. Ron, good luck on that. I watched my 49ers beat the Seahawks Thursday night.

  6. That last one was probably some guy's A+ in Engineering.

  7. They are lovely, Odie. Good choices.

  8. Opie, thanks. Not only do I taste good, but I have good taste.

  9. Okay Odie, my husband is okay with this, but these didn't do a thing for me. Just saying.

    We are back in our slip at Willow Berm all safe and sound.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  10. I wish that Mrs. AOW would wear a swim suit just like that last one!

  11. Sandee, yours were last weekend. These are for is guys. Welcome home.


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