Thursday, October 4, 2012

New Collection of Bumper Stickers ~ ah ah ah Edition

Thanks Dan !


  1. After the debate last night, I wonder what the new stickers will look like?

  2. Obama acted like the empty suit he is last night. I bet he wishes he had sent the empty chair.

  3. Don't forget Savage's "Trickle Down Tyranny!"

    The debate last night was DELICIOUS.

  4. I didn't watch the debate last night, but should have. I just can't stand to listen to Oblamer that long. I grates on my very last nerve.

    I love all of these and they are right on the money.

    Did you hear that France is trying to raise the tax rate to 75% on the very rich? SEVENTY FIVE PERCENT! Government has to keep running you know. Take from the rich to give it to those elite in government.

    Have a terrific day Odie. :)

  5. Obuma won't be looking anyone in the eye for weeks

  6. And I thought you outdid yourself yesterday.

  7. Trickle up poverty sounds good to many! Just saying!

  8. LL, something to do with "Dumb and Dumber" in the White House.

  9. Opie, his kicking himself that he agreed to two more.

  10. That last one is the absolute truth!

  11. AOW, nothing but the truth, Ma'am, nothing but the truth.


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