Thursday, September 20, 2012

Just A Touch of Wal-Martian

I WON’T say she is a Wal-martian but she does qualify. 
Maybe she  grabbed her daughters shorts and did not realize it.
OMG! Stand back – they are ready to explode. 
Look at the seams stretching. 
Did anyone notice the tramp stamp? 
Do you think she's a plumber?
Thanks Dan !


  1. Thanks for the 'Wake Up Call,' Odie. Whatta way to start the day. Now I gotta go wash my eyes out with bleach.

  2. I have to quit waking up so early...

  3. That is really gross. I had a horrible thought, what if it's a guy??????? Excuse me, I need to bleach my eyes.

  4. Good grief. Now I have to wash my eyes out again. Doesn't she know how awful she looks? No she couldn't.

    I'm thinking these shorts used to fit her back in high school and she just can't give them up. Bwahahahahahaha.

    Have a terrific day Odie. :)

  5. Dick -- Awww, maaaan! Now I gotta figure out how to get this mental image outta my head!

  6. Dick, you'll find that bleach on aisle 5.

  7. Sandee, High school? How about first grade.

  8. Woman or not, that's not a Wal-Martian as much as Very, Very, Very Big Mac - Supersized.

  9. Quite obvious she's a republican and never listened to Bloomberg or Michelle. Or maybe a lazy democrat living off food stamps and malt liquor.

  10. Edutcher, so what you mean is she's hot.

  11. Ron, I think she's really fat ... Don't over think this.

  12. Once again you've found an image for which I'll have to pour bleach into my eyes.

  13. I'm thinking McDonald's!

    There is just too much wrong in this single photo.

  14. Euripides, haven't you noticed? It's my job.

  15. Admiral, it does look like McDonald's huh. How many Big Macs do you think that took?

  16. OWWW that hurt...I wonder how much she had to pay that poor tatoo artist. I feel sorry for that guy!

  17. Scotty, we think alike. That's my work and she paid in trade ... Wink wink.

  18. No, you're just knocking the wrong place.

    Sure looks like a McDougal's to me.

  19. Edutcher, I agree Micky D. But she's hot right.

  20. Well, she'd keep you warm on a cold night.

    But I wouldn't want her rolling over on me.


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