Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Irony . . .

Stolen from one who stole it from another.


  1. Yep, not to mention that our children are taught things we don't want them taught. If I had school age kids I'd home school them. Too much Kool-Aid in those schools anymore.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  2. Admiral, would those things exist if he were allowed in school?

  3. I don't think it would be nearly as bad as today.

    When nothing you do is wrong in society what makes you think school is going to be any different? Accountability is no longer taught.

  4. That's a good and somewhat true. Seems the democrats are banning God from their platform too! Stealing from the thief!

  5. Admiral, Values used to be taught in schools.

  6. I agree.

    I also remember them from Catholic school, not so much in the public schools in the early 70s and later. It seems something was lost about then.

  7. Randy, do you mean good evolution it's true?

  8. Race, I'm never serious, but that T-shirt is yelling something at us.

  9. Admiral, it was there if you had the right teacher.

  10. Irony and cause and effect. Or I guess here, effect listed first. :p


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