Saturday, July 13, 2019

Bees, Golf, ~AND~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

Thanks Jim

Other Golfing (Like Kid) Rule 5 ers:


  1. Golf sucks...but I can make exceptions...

  2. Kinda makes you glad you're a guy.

  3. edutcher, I know there's a honey joke to go with the bees .............

  4. Years ago, may pals and I who were in our 30's pulled up to the next tee box to wait for the group in front (3 women) to tee off. It was a par3 175 yd hole. The last woman to tee off looked quite like the lady in the 1st picture. She hit a golf shot close to the pin on this fairly difficult hole that had a sand trap all along the front of the green. NICE Shot! we all said in unison. She bent over (wow) pulled her tee out of the round, smiled and said "Yea I know, we're supposed to know how to do Everything in the bedroom but not be able to play golf."

    Big laughs all around.

  5. Kid, sounds like you enjoyed your nice shot.

  6. Odie, Oh yes. (I also got on the green btw)

  7. Ouch!
    Never seen any golfers that looked like those...

  8. Brig, the trick is to follow we horny old men to the right golf course.


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