Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Thong ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

Thanks Dan

Other Thong Loving Rule 5 ers:


  1. Suddenly all the blood rushed out of my head and I nearly fainted. Palpitations, sweats, flushed skin, yup all the symptoms. I'm either dying or too old to see this kind of video.

  2. Very well done. She had them all in a state of... Well you know.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  3. When I was in my early teens the pool hall in the not so better part of town was considered the turf of the them. I wish I had been more curious. :)

  4. Wow! Is this an elite website? I feel like a BS grad just trying to verify I'm not a robot! You go, Odie!!!! :)

  5. The lovely Vica Kerekes! She was my Friday Night Babe last September 25th! Nice choice, Odie!

  6. doesn't matter how well she plays pool at this point..she just won the game.

    she's also the Saturday Gingermageddon at

  7. Trailbee, As far as I know you don't have to use that Robot thingy. It was a mistake Google made awhile back and when everyone complained they deactivated it so you don't need use it.

  8. Proof, sounds like I'd better go back in time.

  9. Gingermageddon is right! Vica is so skilled here, I showed this to Gruntessa and dared her to try the same trick. Her response? "Eww. Now her hair smells disgusting." And this is why she will never win at pool like Vica. ;)


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