Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Political Blather And Other Fun Stuff ... Again


(Steal Me)


  1. ie used to view these cute cartoons.

  2. Fine then - ie was the browser on my computer that accessed these cute cartoons.

  3. They found a pen, a phone, and I think David Gregory as well!!!

  4. Adrienne, Excuse me, I couldn't figure out what "ie" was. Internet Explorer ... I get it now ... duh I be a little slow this morning I guess.

  5. Scotty, that's a good one, but only David Gregory?

  6. I should have at least capitalized IE. Seems I've had IE installed on my computer since my guru updated me to Window's 7. It was sitting in my tray right next to Firefox. Can we all give me a hearty DUH!

    Have you read the dust up on American Thinker over Red State?

    This whole thing is getting out of control.

  7. I'm still using Firefox Odie. I hate Chrome and I refuse to use IE.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  8. Those are great---especially that pen and phone one. May have to steal a couple and post over at Stop Obama's Agenda. Need to get a few more post up there.

  9. You are good.

    If I can ever help...

    Sandee said...

    I'm still using Firefox Odie. I hate Chrome and I refuse to use IE.

    Try Opera and I think they've ported Konqueror over to windows.

  10. Sandee, I know, I know ... it is the best out there, but you have to take one for the cause.

  11. Ron, my favorite by far is "I'll be home in twenty minutes." by Bill Clinton.

  12. Edutcher, isn't Opera also Mozilla? I'm with her with Chrome and Internet Explorer. Thank goodness I have a Mac with Safari. I hope enough of us make them take notice. I was reading that Chome did pass them in usage last month.

  13. Posted a couple of your images at BUBBA CLINTON ON SEX. Kind of hard to find so giving you the link---not spamming

  14. Pen, phone, David Gregory and Obama's head up there where the sun don't shine.

    Never used Mozilla. Never hear of Safai. I'm using Chrome right now, well, until they pull some stupid liberal nonsense.

  15. No, according to Wiki (I know...), it's always been a separate entity, although the article suggests it may have used some Mozilla technology.


Put it here ... I can't wait to read it. I have the Captcha turned OFF but blogger insists it be there. You should be able to bypass it.

** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.