Saturday, November 11, 2023

Babes of the 30's and 40's ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style ~ A


Happy Veterans Day to All My Bothers and Sisters!


Other Rule 5 ers:


  1. Ingrid Bergman in Casa Blanca. Heavy sigh.

  2. I don't even know how old I was when I realized how frikken Hot Lucille Ball was.. I was so busy laughing at the idiotic stuff she would get into how good looking she was just wasn't clicking. There were plenty of women on TV that I was well aware of at the time she was a favorite. Ward,you were a little hard on the Beaver last night would have been a Lot funnier if I had only understood.
    You sure have been digging up some fine women from years gone by,Woodsterman
    If we Have women today of the same caliber,I don't know who they are. A current Hot actress that I can name? IDK if they just aren't there or if I'm just So divorced from givinaschitt that I don't know who they are. I remember seeing Lara Croft, Tombraider,, and Angelina was just too hot ,,and then I found out she's crazy. That does things to how they affect me.

    1. Justin_O_Guy, nowadays most of them are bat shit crazy liberals.

  3. Nice to see you included Olivia who looked better as she grew older. Don't know the one after Ava and I think the one after her is Gene Tierney.

    1. edutcher, the one after Ava is Mitzi Gaynor, and yes that is Gene Tierney.

  4. Happy Veterans Day Odie. Thanks for your service.

  5. Rita Hayworth was a goddess. It's fun watching those movies from that era, but at some point you realize that's what your grandmas and great-grannies were actually doing once lol

    1. The Night Wind, You sound young, so let me say I grew up with these ladies. And I do mean ladies. I was born in 1947 and grew up loving these ladies on early TV.

  6. Gals before my time but I saw them all when I was ‘knee high’. Classy Dames every one. From a day when ‘less is more’. Such times will return again – eventually.

    Thanks for that.


    1. chuckyman, I hope you're right about those times coming back.

      Your avatar used to be the woodsterman avatar for about a month back in 2009.


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