Sunday, June 4, 2023

Happy Funday To You All ~ 2

 Thanks FBers


  1. Haha. Great bunch to end the day with, Odie. Thank you.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  2. When I was a kid, almost every day of summer had some part of the day spent at/in the creek.....

    1. Matthew W, I didn't have a creek, but had a swamp in the middle of a bean field where frogs were caught.

  3. When I was in High School there was a store close to my house, school was about four block away. Every day at lunch, a few of the students would walk to the store, get a drink and something to eat (anything beat the school food) and throw away the bottle in an alley before they got back to school. Every day, I'd walk home, pick up the bottles, cash them in, and get a drink and a snack. Sometimes there was a bit left over and I saved it for the days when there weren't enough bottles. It was a life lesson in economics that too few learn.

    1. Country Boy, when I was a kid a few of us used to go door to door collecting bottles and cash them in. Next to the ma and pa market where we cashed them in was a drug store with a lunch counter. We always had enough for a Tuna Fish sandwich and a coke.

  4. 2 cents for a bottle, a nickle for the large ones.
    Maria is on her way to becoming a saint! Her parents must be so proud.

    1. hjets, with those prices you could collect enough for a sandwich and coke at a lunch counter. She is a saint.


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