Wednesday, April 5, 2023

The Skipster Speaketh This Day ~ B


Thanks Skip


  1. That Kent State meme is really thought provoking. Thought 1: Back in the day the hippes and activists and liberals were against the government. Now they are the government and they are far more tyrannical than anything they protested against. Thought 2: Never ever throw rocks at people with guns.

    1. The volley was an accident. If you ever get to see the tape, you'll see one discharge, a second a couple of seconds later, a few more right after, and then the whole line lets loose. No order to fire is ever heard.

    2. seeings as there have been a total of 30 mass shootings on public school grounds, maybe it is time to eliminate public schools. no schools = no school shootings.

    3. cannon - I've told people that very thing but they are so embedded in the idea that the government should be running schools that they think I'm crazy. The person responsible for educating your children is you. The person responsible for protecting your children is also you. When you abdicate your responibilites to a lowest common denominator public school system you get what you get.

    4. Mikey, edutcher, and cannon, Tyrannical governments are OK if you are in charge.

  2. That shot of Willie is him in a nutshell.

    1. edutcher, he epitomizes what is wrong with this country.


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*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.