Saturday, July 9, 2022

Beautiful Singers ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

The Names:
1, Carrie Underwood (Country and Sun Night Football)
2, Jackie Evancho
3, Demi Lovato (got her start on Barney and Friends)
4, Taylor Swift
5, Annalise Mahanes (iMy2)
6, Kristen Bell (Do you wanna build a snowman - Frozen)
7, Crystal Gayle
8, Leigh Nash (Sixpence - none the richer)
9, Ellen Petersen ( The Petersens)
10, Faith Hill

Other Music Loving Rule 5 ers:



  1. Except for Crystal, not a one I recognize.

  2. last one is Faith Hill, Taylor Swift is in there, I think one is the singer from 6 pence none the richer that has been featured here a few times.

  3. 1, Carrie Underwood (Country and Sun Night Football)
    2, Jackie Evancho
    3, Demi Lovato (got her start on Barney and Friends)
    4, Taylor Swift
    5, Annalise Mahanes (iMy2)
    6, Kristen Bell (Do you wanna build a snowman - Frozen)
    7, Crystal Gayle
    8, Leigh Nash (Sixpence - none the richer)
    9, Ellen Petersen ( The Petersens)
    10, Faith Hill

  4. You had me until the blue hair...bad Odie!

    1. Cederq, I think she's very pretty.

    2. My first thought was "her hair matches her eyes", then seeing Crystal Gale in the mix, "Wait, is the song Don't it make my brown hair blue? I always thought it was eyes". Would not kick any of them out of bed for eating graham crackers.

    3. Don't it make my brown eyes blue. ;-)

  5. Thanks, Odie. You all be safe and God bless.

  6. I picked Kristen Bell because of her crazy eyes. Dax Sheppard must have great patience. I am attracted to crazy. They are the wildest in the sack.

    1. tsquared, Mental institutions are fun places huh.


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