Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Tuesday Fun Afternoon


Thanks FB Chums


  1. Autumn dog poop and Liver and onions tied for the win, Odie. As always, they're all contenders, though!

  2. I have a couple of those old surveillance cameras around here.

  3. Dog poop the leaf blower is your friend. Liver and onions truck I’d give it a try and might be a regular if it’s good.

  4. Got a block of tulip trees here abouts that cover the groud a foot deep in beautiful yellow gold leaves. It ain't the poop but all the sidewalk heaves that you cannot see that will get you.

  5. Truck bed.

    I see what you did there.

  6. Patrick, I like giving you plenty of choices.

  7. Driftwood, both those two memes give me pause.


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