Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Funner Tooesday

Stolen from many.


  1. Those baked potatoes sure have tater tots beat. Have a great day Odie.

  2. Winner, winner chicken dinner. They're all winners today, but I feel really sorry for poor Louise.

  3. Kirk had baked potatoes just about every episode.

  4. I prefer baked potatoes to mashed potatoes.

  5. Curmudgeon, how come you're the only one that didn't bring up "Baked Potatoes"?

  6. edutcher, some were prepared better than others though.

  7. LL, especially those baked lightly in the sun.

  8. Love them all but the mother one is the best.

    I linked this post to Happy Tuesday.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Odie. 😎

  9. Sandee, looks like I just can't sell the ladies on the baked potatoes.

  10. I prefer little steamed taters with butter and parsley. If I do have a baker it's a big red one - much creamier (don't go there, Odie!)

    Never thought of using a tire for a pool. I seriously considered getting a kiddie pool last summer to just sit around in and read.

    Since hubby has seriously compromised hearing from his years in rock bands, that one sounds like a typical conversation around our house. Apple has just gotten the go-ahead to sell an over-the-counter hearing aid. Will be looking into that since they're so dang expensive.

    In the ditch? So true in North Idaho.

  11. What's with the picture of Princess Jiffypopia?

  12. All good, laughed at #1 though.

  13. Adrienne, Where?

    As far as hearing aids goes, try Costco. Damn good ones for $1250.00 ea. There are cheap ones out there for $250.00 for two. It almost sounds like the way to go if a simple amplifier is all you need.

  14. Proof, it's OK, I know a lot of people that confuse baked potatoes with popcorn.


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