Thursday, April 26, 2018

Some Things Just Can't Be Explained

Thanks David


  1. Dang! Ya got me with the last one!

  2. You can explain them, but you really need to understand a lot of people shouldn't be allowed out without supervision.

    Especially the last.

  3. Have a contest to guess the number of "u"s in the word Fuuuck for each picture!
    I'm guessing the first one has about 15 or 20!

  4. The last one had eight years worth of 'em!

  5. You need to take the gasoline and matches away from some kids...

    And as far as Zero is concerned, word out is that he's in Africa. One can only hope that he stays there.

  6. That last one got me. I wasn't expecting it at all.

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. ☺

  7. edutcher, keep them sheeples under a watchful eye.

  8. Mac, and that's just from the outside.

  9. LL, the world would be a better place.

  10. Sandee, that's what we do here, you know.

  11. Bill, ah but on the other hand, I'm so thankful it's over.


Put it here ... I can't wait to read it. I have the Captcha turned OFF but blogger insists it be there. You should be able to bypass it.

** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.