Monday, March 19, 2018

Awww Monday ~ Woodsterman Style ~ 141 ~


  1. Dr Freud would have a ball with the second one.

  2. Man sticks hand up elephants arse to take it's temperature whilst it needs to poo.

  3. I love your take on Awww Mondays. I really do.

    Thanks for the chuckles.

    Have a perfect Awww Monday Woodsterman Style. ☺

  4. One can only imagine what happens when the animal has diarrhea! Just sayin'>

  5. I always wondered what caused pachydermophobia. lol

  6. Always a great laugh over here! I do know if an elephant starts rubbing his or her behind at the zoo enclosure at the local Denver Zoo you should scatter because they are getting ready for a major poop explosion! LOL! HaHaHa! Elephants are such beautiful creatures though. There is a young male elephant at the Denver Zoo and he has eyes for our middle married daughter Rebekah! IT is quite fun to see. I think he just simply sees the kindness in her eyes.
    Thanks for the laughter and extra smiles today! :-)

  7. I had to take a few moments to stop laughing! Cheers!

  8. edutcher, he did because he was reincarnated as an elephant.

  9. Sandee, I do too because we all need to laugh.

  10. Annesphamily, Keep Rebekah away when he starts rubbing his behind.

  11. Kathe W, Sounds like you think I should keep em coming.


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