Monday, August 1, 2016

Awww Monday ~ Woodsterman Style LVIII

Every Dog Needs A Boy . . .

Thanks Hal 


  1. Such pretty doggies. The kids are okay, too.

  2. Awww, so cute. I love your take on Awww Mondays.

    Have a woof woof Awww Monday Odie. ☺

  3. #3, that a real family dog.

    Thinking, "I know, but, hey, it's a kid".

  4. What a great set of images. Kids and dogs just seem to go together, regardless of what some parents may think.

  5. Adrienne, cuteness is what I do ... LOL.

  6. Sandee, it's my desire to be different.

  7. DrillerAA09, Dogs and Kids just go together.

  8. Every dog needs a kid, and every kid needs a dog... Those are some cute kids.
    The first pic reminds me of our Ruby, the StB, miss the ol gal, and that Dogue de Bordeaux sure looks like Rufus Red.

  9. LOL, Now that I think on it we have had every one of the breeds pictured and then some. Most as rescues. Thanks for the memories.

  10. and every boy needs a dog! Have a huggable day!

  11. Brig, they all have their own personalities don't they.

  12. Brig, growing up we had Golden Retrievers before anyone knew what they were. In my own family we've had Heinz Varieties.


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