Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Ammo Is Getting Scarce !

This morning I lucked out and was able 
to buy two boxes of ammo.

I placed the boxes on the front seat and headed back home, 
but stopped at a gas station where a drop-dead gorgeous 
blonde in a short skirt was filling up her car at the next pump.
She glanced at the two boxes of ammo, bent over and leaned 
in my passenger window, and said in a sexy voice, 
"I'm a big believer in barter, old fella. Would you be interested 
in trading sex for ammo?"
I thought for a few seconds and asked,
 "What kind of ammo 'ya got?"

Thanks David !


  1. She probably followed you from the gun store...saw you as easy pickins...

  2. So.. Don't leave us hanging! What ammo did she have?

  3. I never get those kind of offers, for anything.

  4. Bwahahahahahahaha. That ammo is indeed more important than sex right now. Okay, it's harder to get.

    Have a terrific day Odie. ☺

  5. HAAA...never enough ammo...got sex ??? !!! The market is flooded wit' it!

  6. Randy, you can never have too much ammo ... Or sex.

  7. Supi, I got all the 357 Mag she had and she asked me if it was enough. Supi, I love it when you ask great questions.

  8. A man should know his own worth.

  9. What else would you expect the old-timer to? Sex is everywhere, but the right ammo???

  10. Edutcher, I do, now change the subject.

  11. Ron, so you get "lucky" a lot I take it.

  12. Opie, I'm more of a 357 Mag and not a 22, but then you knew that.

  13. we better stay stocked up...before the gummint takes ALL our rights away..sheesh!

  14. So, that was YOU behind me, Odie!

  15. Odie, she musta felt sorry for me. she just gave me the ammo. Pretty good deal, huh? I didn't even have to work for it!

  16. Marine, sorry Dude, that hasn't happened to me yet. She tipped me a case.

  17. Thanks for sharing your success story with me, Odie.


  18. Was it factory ammo or reloads? You have to know what you're getting.

  19. Sounds like she wanted to Play Let's Make A deal


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