Saturday, October 27, 2018

The Press ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

Thanks Dan

Other Power Lifting Rule 5 ers:


  1. good thing that's just 20 pounds!

  2. There are better ways for her to 'clean and jerk'. I'll leave it at that.

  3. I like how she comes strolling back in all cat like with the cool attitude like absolutely nothing happened. I'm surprised she didn't lick her "paws."

  4. LL, thank you ... I've been waiting for that one.

  5. Actually I think that's either 60 or 85 lbs. If you look at the far end of the bar near the end of the clip you can see that there are two plates, so assuming they are all 10 pounds that's 40 pounds plus either 20 or 45 pounds for the bar. Normal bars are 45 pounds but there are some 20 pound bars out there as well, I can't tell if the skinnier inside (the outer part where you put the plates is always the same diameter).

  6. I'd say 90 lbs. tops, but still, she doesn't look like she's more than a buck ten soaking wet. She's close to pressing her own weight, I'd say.

  7. JNorth, but did you notice there was a girl. Thanks for the heavy tech talk.

  8. Proof, I used to be able to lift my own weight before the new 4 meal a day diet.


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