Tuesday, March 23, 2010

NewsBusters.org - NewsBusted 3/23/10


  1. Stupak did surrender pretty quickly.

    Good one, Odie!

  2. Teresa, I believe it was planned all along.

  3. My political science class today came up with a new slogan: "Legalize Healthcare Now!" We had no idea what it meant, but figured it was catchy and the Dems would eat it up.

    Thank you and heaven for Jodi today.

  4. Stupak is simply another Democrat weasel. The fool was afraid to go against The Party.

  5. I agree with Nickie. The Axis of Weasels.

  6. Just as well you have someone like Jodi who can make fun of the disaster that is Obamacare.

  7. Euripides, I'll take credit for Jodie being on this page and thank heaven for the rest as you did. I think that slogan would scare the Democruds to death. The public would learn of the contents of Obamacare before the election.

  8. Nickie, you're absolutely right ... Democruds put God and Country AFTER party.

  9. Opie, Thank you for that phrase "Axis of Weasels". That really describes who they are. We're all coming up with new names and phrases. I just thought of "Democruds", and I think it fits also.

  10. banned, they can kick us while we're down, but they can't take our sense of humor.


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