Thursday, December 15, 2022

Thursdays Are For Libturds ~ One


Thanks FBers, Skip, and Paul


  1. The top guy nails it. When I was 13 (1977 or so) I bought a .30-.30 rifle from my Jr. high football coach at school and during school hours. He told me to go put it in my truck and don't be "running around campus with it". I was three years away from getting a drivers license too. Those were fun times with many freedoms our kids and grandchildren will probably never know.

    1. Jeffery In Alabama, why you're just a baby. I was 30 in 1977. But you're right, things made more sense then. I feel for my ten year old grandson these days. If he keeps acting like grampa he'll turn out OK, though.

  2. A lot of those 1970 responses are wishful thinking. and why should the people who settled and prospered in blue states give them up to a bunch of Commies?

    1. edutcher, I lived a lot or saw all eight of those scenarios. There's a generation of commies that need an area with a tall fence they can call their own.

    2. Saw examples of them all. On top of that, teachers stood in the smoking area with the high schoolers between classes.....smoking.

    3. clayusmcret, I never saw that, but gym teachers carried out corporal punishment for the other teachers.

  3. I think Candace Owens has a good point.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.