Sunday, November 6, 2022

Happy Funday Afternoon All

 Thanks FBers


  1. You have entirely too much free time. Go shovel the walk, will ya?

  2. I own one of those hand cordless drills! That's what I used growing up. I also have a brace & bit set that was my grandfather's. Of course I have five of the battery powered drills and three corded drills. Almost forgot, I also have a tiny version of the one in the picture for drilling holes in circuit board (came from Radio Shack).

    1. Feral Ferret, yes, but do you own a "Yankee Drill"? Now that's a mark of someone who owns his mother's hand me down tools. Oh, I think I still have one. Hell, come to think of it, that was issue from Ma Bell when I worked there.

  3. I can relate to almost 100% of those. The phone thing drives me nutso. I have a phone. It does all sorts of stuff. Other than text - I do none of it.

    Beans in chili? Yes, please. Pinto and, wait for it, dark red kidney beans, 'cause that's the beans my mom used. And celery. Lots of onion and celery. 17 or so years in Texas did not sway me to beanless chili.

    1. Adrienne, that's the way my mom made it too. I like the beans too, but have enjoyed it a couple of times without.

    2. If I use chuck roast instead of ground beef I sometimes forgo the beans, too.

  4. Speaking as a Texan, only a psychopath puts beans in chili. It's good chili if the spoon stands up by itself. It's great chili if it dissolves the spoon.

    1. Country Boy, I'm too much a sissy gringo to try your "Great Chili". The chili with beans seems to be, usually, on the milder side.

  5. 2 reminds us to be careful for that which we wish and I memorized Wheat Chex boxes when I was a kid.

    1. edutcher, When I was a kid wheaties gave little license plates you could hang on your bike. Their box was cool to read too.


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