Sunday, January 3, 2010

So Little Change


  1. "snaked around the corner"?

    How fitting.

  2. Gullible bunch of tards....they get what they have coming to them, voting for obugger! ha ha ha.

  3. Bunni, how you can make me laugh ... "Gullible bunch of tards" ... Thank you girl and Happy Day After Your Birthday.

  4. I'm glad you enjoy my little quips! They just stumble out...hee hee. I didn't stumble though, I'll have some b-days drinks Thurs. cause it was back to hell hole today. I didn't even have champagne yesterday...just lots of food and cake! Thanks for your nice comment and Kitty Card, Odie.

  5. No champagne Bunni? Food and cake work though.

  6. How to lose friends and influence people.


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