Saturday, August 29, 2009

Never Marry A Woman Bigger Than You

Wow, this guy gets an ass whipping.


  1. I've gotta say, this dude messed with the wrong woman. She kicked his ass.

  2. Big Mama opened a can of woop ass on that brutha. Maybe the SEIU should recruit her to monitor town hall meetings! PS: Glad you liked my video's and little Opie the genius Pup!

  3. That guy had no chance, he's lucky that other guy came in and got him out of there when he did. I'd sure like to get her mug shot

  4. Freaky, I expected you to enjoy this, but she'd kick your ass if you tried to get her mug shot.

  5. Teresa, You surprise me. Yes she did kick his ass. I was afraid to show this one. I didn't to lose followers like yourself ... glad you enjoyed.

  6. Bunni, Can of woop ass? You, like Teresa, surprise me. Of course, you being from Chicago, probably know how to open a can of woop ass yourself. I will check your site often for more fun. That goes for all of you ... thanks for checking me out.

  7. Ok, crazy neighbors, cops driving by (i mean driving ON by)on their way to their precinct station on down the street after a mid morn donut run...people not reacting (except to laugh) to a small, regretful dude getting his ass kicked for having the audacity to open his mouth to the MRS...I KNEW IT, it's the street i just moved to in Del Paso Heights, CA...and it appears to be a vid of my next door neighbors to the left..oh wait....nah, i was wrong - the street in the vid has nicer trees

  8. Surveygirl46, Thanks for trying the insanity. Sorry to hear about your neighborhood.

  9. Trying the insanity? Nah, I AM part of it, and it's nice to have yet another place to visit it! Great job...

  10. Odie, I can come up with a lot of things that would surprise you....hee hee. This is a rough town, Chicago, but I try to stay above the fray.
    However, when someone mistakes my kindness for weakness & tries to mess with me, they'll know what the bunni can do! This happens in RL more than you'll ever know. I hate bullies who think they can pick on you cause you look & act "sweet". Anyway, I need lessons on hand to hand combat from that broad.

    You wouldn't believe the den of crack heads that lived down my block a few summers ago, OMG!
    I gotta get out of this town.

    Thanks for posting Opie! Opie & Odie, you two should go out on the road! ;-)

  11. Bunni and Surveygirl ought to go on the road together and woop some ass. Your surroundings sound a lot alike.


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