Monday, May 2, 2016

Awww Monday ~ Woodsterman Style XXXXVII

I was in a pet shop when I noticed a Muslim girl with the
most amazingly colored parrot perched on her shoulder.

"Where did you get that from?" I asked.

"Germany. There's fricking thousands of 'em!" said the parrot.

Thanks David 


  1. Problem is they're so dang hard to train.

  2. Bwahahahahahahaha. Then there is France.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  3. Adrienne, I've heard impossible. That's why the flock needs thinning.

  4. Sandee, yes where PC is a religion.

  5. good one- didn't see that coming! Bwa hahah!Have a great week!

  6. We'll have another German migration like the 1840s.

  7. And what's one way to tell the difference between the parrot and the little muslim girl? The parrot probably learned to speak a few words of German while in Germany.

  8. Kathe W, thank you I will ... back at you.

  9. Grunt, and none of that Mooselimb stuff either.

  10. Reminds me of the time Obama walked into a bar with a Toad on his head.
    The bartender looks at Obama, then up at the toad, then back to Obama and sez:
    Whut's up with that?

    The Toad sed: "It started out as a wart on my ass"

  11. That is one cheeky parrot there xD

  12. Mac, you win best comment of the week, but I'm afraid nothing comes with that.

  13. Riih Pu, you have to watch out for those parrots.


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