Saturday, March 30, 2024

Class Acts ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style ~ B


Thanks Sharon

Other Classy Rule 5 ers:

You, yeah you, just over your head is "Other Rule 5 ers". Yeah, that's it, just above your comment. That first name, "The Other McCain," ( not John McCain ). He has a very successful political blog. He was asked often how his blog was so successful. So he finally made up rules for success. "Rule #5" was "Once in awhile post a picture of a pretty girl to break up the routine a little." He heads up my list above in his honor. Now, "Woodsterman Style" is I like to be just a bit different and add a funny blonde joke or something. I think I'll post this every once in awhile to answer others questions. It may have been here where you heard it the first time.

Class Acts ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style ~ A


Thanks Sharon
Other Classy Rule 5 ers: