Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Timely Topics

Thanks David


  1. That is darn beautiful wall. I want one...

  2. You can put your money on that last one.

  3. Excellent. All of them are spot on.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  4. edutcher, HONOR is a stranger to that family!

  5. Bernie knows what gets votes: free shit. He's always been pretty loose with other people's money.

  6. Well, the dude in the dress at the urinal has nicely toned arms, but the legs look a little... Wait, are you sure that's not Moochelle Obama???

  7. I'm going to assume that the tower on that wall is on the outside (no visible door, could be on the far side). Improved sight lines and field of fire. Most excellent!
    Lets just hope The Donald takes notice!

  8. Fredd, the sheeple love their free stuff.

  9. Gruntster, no way ... look at the skin tone.

  10. Ace, I'm sure he has friends in Israel.


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