Thursday, January 23, 2025

Libturd Thursday is Here ~ PM

 Thanks FBers


  1. 1. I still think he was the wrong choice. But Trump's safety is in God's hands, so I will keep praying for that.
    2. God bless and protect them all.
    3. Amen.
    4. At all American bases, hopefully.
    5. We knew it was when they got our spineless Congress to give them immunity from prosecution before people started taking it.
    6. Glad I got through it without my pipes breaking. ;)
    7. Hahahahaha!!!!!
    8. Amen. Thank you, Heavenly Father.
    9. And it may still be found to be so.
    10. Have any of them left the country yet?
    Thank you, Odie.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. LindaG, ICE doesn't break pipes, they arrest illegals. :) Oh you mean ice. Did it get cold enough to freeze pipes? A little insulation on the inside of the skirting will take care of that worry.

    2. Yes, it was my poor attempt at a joke, Odie. :)
      And yes we did! 7 degrees for a few hours Wednesday. But we ran our faucets and God protected our plumbing. :)
      I think I will look into insulation on the corner where the water line comes out of the ground. I've heard a 75 watt bulb in a shop light will work also.
      IF I can find an old style bulb. Otherwise I will have to go heat lamp.
      God bless, Odie.

    3. LindaG, they make round (in tube shape) that is split that can be put around you pipe in seconds. LED lights give off quite a bit of heat.

    4. Thanks, Odie. I will keep those recommendations in mind!


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