Friday, January 10, 2025

Funderwhoopee by Any Other Name is Funderwhoopee ~ A

 Thanks FBers


  1. All excellent. Reminds me of when I lost my retainer at KFC and we had to dig through the trash at KFC to find it.

    1. Anon, never happened to me. That's why they call me snaggle-tooth.

  2. Tail fins. Ah, yes, I remember them well.

  3. Weren't those ice creams called "Push-Ups"?
    My favorite from the ice cream truck was a "Big Missile".

    Is that Rocky's GMC that James Garner is leaning against? I don't remember it having a winch.
    Noah Beery Jr. was so great in that part.

    BTW, I am LEGEND!

    1. LEGEND Elmo, you and edutcher are walking encyclopedias.

    2. my favorite was orange (sherbert) and vanilla push-up. Rocky's truck was red over white I think.

    3. Anon, in the bar shape those were called the 50-50. We can still get them here with vanilla ice cream orange sherbet and are my grandson's favorite.

  4. #1) I had my share from the ice cream truck.
    #9) Would Ma Bell approve of these?

    1. Edward, they sure would ... I had a pair on my truck.

  5. tin cans connected by a string as communication devices
    Funny! our Moms didn't need those when they called us in for dinner

  6. My best friend father had saved to buy a new car. Was so proud of his 1955 Chevy. Then the '56 came out. I don't think the rage went away for a year. James Gardner was a shirtail relation per my aunt.

  7. 1963 bought '55 Chevy, $225. 1965 bought '57 Chevy convertible, $700. 1969 bought '56 sedan delivery, $400. If only I had kept them in a garage all this 1964 was offered '55 Chevy Nomad as an even swap for my '55. turned him down. In '66, bought '65 Corvette for $2500 and then cause I was in the Navy and only 20 years old, i couldn't get insurance for it, I had to sell it.
    However, I have had good luck with women. Married to a peach for 55 years next week.


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