Thursday, June 12, 2014

Obama is Speaking . . .

Thanks Earl of Taint (LINK) 

Trailbee, thank you for that great first one.


  1. Randy, I think they heard us loud and clear all the way to Carl Rove's office.

  2. These would be funny if they weren't so true. It's all becoming so depressing...

  3. Poor Hillary...We need to help her and her flying monkeys.

  4. Adrienne, all we can do is keep moving forward.

  5. Scott, can't the flying monkeys help her?

  6. We the People is the best. A big wake up call. A huge wake up call.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  7. We the People need to wake up...

  8. Hate to say it, but it's gonna get worse (a lot worse, probably) before it gets better.

    But, when the next round of jetliners go crashing into skyscrapers, let's make sure the media doesn't get away with Bush, but is stuck with Choom.

  9. OK, the Hillary/Chelsea cartoon made me laugh. Out loud. LOL. There, I said it.

  10. Poor Hillary, she and Bill have had such a tough go of it. I almost want to leave her something in by will.

  11. Euripides, but isn't that why you come here?

  12. Ron, don't leave her your Bikinis and Guns blog. I have my eye on that myself.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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