Tuesday, February 11, 2025

I Love It When Libturd Tuesday Comes Together ~ PM


Thanks FBers


  1. Wait until they FULLY document where ALL the money went, whose bank accounts, whose companies, etc. Gonna need a lot of rope and lampposts.

    1. The government checkbook should have always been like this: balance, deposits, checks written to whom, amount and what for, done everyday and viewable to the American people. No hidden agendas or theft. Always open to ask why by the people.

    2. Anon, every penny accounted for .... period!

  2. Tobacco products on race cars. Spot on!

  3. I'll be dead soon and won't have to worry about it anymore, but I always thought Americans were cowards for putting up with it.

    1. wv citybilly, how many would it take? 100,000, or 500,000, or 1,000,000 men working together. It seems to be going OK now.

  4. We're 3 weeks into Trump47 & have 205 weeks still showing on the Happy Fun Wheel. I'm gonna loosen the seat belt a bit, relax, engage cruise control. More fun than any gubmit admin I've survived so far. ,Robert17

    1. Robert17, we need to back Trump up as much as he needs.

  5. The president of Panama says free passage is false. Further, the Canal Authority, not that country's government, has sole authority regarding transit fees.

    Anyway, given that the majority of commercial vessels are foreign flagged, I reckon 'U.S. ship' applies only to fedgov ships such as USN or NOAA research and the like.
    Given that it is likely only a small number of U.S. ships transit the canal in any given year, I suspect the savings would be the low millions. This even though the transit fees for a single ship is a couple of million.

    This is a big nothing burger. I'd rather we take the whole canal zone back, undoing Carter's stupid move.

  6. Knew a guy named Elon when I was a kid, but he wasn't as cool as our Elon is.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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