Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Libturd Tuesday ~ PM


Thanks FBers


  1. I pump co2 into my aquarium for the plants , if I don't trim them weekly they will push the top off. Can't use too much, just a couple of bubbles a minute or it will kill the fish. And it keeps the algae down.

    1. The FBI and the EPA will be showing up at your door in combat gear and full- auto weapons with saint Greta frowning at you in about 5 minutes.

    2. OMG, sounds like Science!

    3. Birdchaser, my only thought I'd be worried about the fish. Smooth move, Dr.

  2. Lenin coined it, but Zippy learned it at Grandpa's knee.

  3. 2, 3, 6, 7 My favorites.
    8 Do they still teach Science? I believe it would be more accurate to say 'the more CO2 you have, the more plants/trees you need.
    The opposite of what our 'solar loving' useful fools want.
    Love 10, too.
    Thank you, Odie.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. LindaG, They teach the liberal version of science, which isn't really science.

  4. At least be factual about the EV chargers. Tesla superchargers are a maximum of 250 Kw not 350 Kw and the average house pulls a hell of a lot more than 1.2 Kw. A simple blow dryer is 1500 watts. 1000 watts is equal to 1 Kw so the Blow dryer is 1.5 Kw. My Tesla home charger operates at 11 Kw which is about the wattage of 7 1500 watt blow dryers. Total KWh of power used for the car is about 20% of my total home electricity use. I charge at night off peak when rates are cheap. Utilizing the off peak excess generation capacity of my local electric company helps them to be more profitable. I did not buy a performance edition Tesla model Y to save the planet. I bought it to blow the he doors off any gas’s powered car in the same price range. The fact that the cost for fuel is about 5 cents a mile, it has no need for most maintenance, it has a full battery every morning, and the price dropped 25% from the prior model year was just icing on the cake. Oh and full disclosure I own over 100k worth of Detroit Edison stock in my retirement fund, so yeah I want them to sell more electric off peak power for the dividends. Superchargers are a small fraction of the power that goes into EVs.

    1. Daddy, I knew not all of these "facts" were right, and I knew someone would call me on it. So glad I could pull your chain.


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