Wednesday, March 27, 2024

It's Skipism Wednesday ~ AM


Thanks Skip


  1. Where do I park my dog sled team at your Man Cave???

  2. Call them child molesters. The truth hurts more.

    1. edutcher, make CA a country then declare war on them (Oops us).

  3. Don't be a RINO, either.
    Along with the doj gun-grab, johnson and his 101 cronies voted for over a billion$$$ for ngo's and the border patrol to process illegal immigrants coming across the border.
    Thanks a lot, a$$h@!es.

    1. lg, Hell, that sob would have surrendered to the British.

  4. Florida is full of Dick's. Build a wall along the Mason and Dixon Line.

  5. #2 - Bill passed on LBTXYZ teens. Not on age of consent. California still has age of consent as 18 for all parties. Not all meme's (and why don't we refer to these as meme"s as written) and the sex registry is still applied over 18 have any sexual contact under 18 involving even kissing. As much as I despise that state and the way politicians and fruit loops have destroyed a beautiful state a wrong meme is still wrong.

  6. #2 is false all the way around. Any sex act with a person younger than 18 in California is a crime. For an offender to receive discretionary rather than automatic registration, the minor would have to have been at least 14 years old and the offender within 10 years of that age. Do your homework.

    1. Jeff, I live in CA and it convinced me. It's a living hell here.

    2. Ha! I suppose that's a good excuse. Move over here to the deep south...


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.