Monday, October 19, 2015

Awww Monday ~ Woodsterman Style XX

Parenting in the Wilderness


  1. Awww, I love your Awww Mondays Woodsterman style. A. Lot.

    Have a terrific Awww Monday. ☺

  2. That first could be used by Hillary.

    If she had a heart.

  3. Point well made, Odie~!
    There is something so wholesome, so timeless in seeing any mother with child(ren), and whole families.

    My better half and I are expecting our firstborn next May~!

  4. Awe, such cute babies, well except for the possum...

  5. Beautiful photos- makes my day~! Cheers!

  6. Great photo shares. I just watched the movie Happy Feet, gee those penguins are a bit depressed. I thought March of the Penguins was depressing! They seem very angry at times. I love the elephants, great memories and good all around pachaderms. Thanks for the smiles.

  7. Annesphamily, so you'd like less penguins in the future?

  8. I coulda done without the possums...the rest; aww.


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