Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Winter Fun . . . .

Thanks Hal


  1. That's evidence of more global warming. I hear that people are calling for Al Gore to run for president. If he won, he'd end global warming the same way that he invented the Internet.

  2. Amidst the hysterical pratfalls and vehicles slip-sliding away, the bull's little mishap was perhaps the funniest. Thanks for the giggles. Have a great "hump" day Odie.

  3. All those people wearing sneakers on ice deserved their pratfalls. However, some of their falls made me wince in sympathy.

  4. Yes what LL said about global warming. Oh wait it's now named climate change because most don't buy the warming part.

    I loved them all but that truck sinking into that abyss was the best.

    Now you see why I don't live in snow country.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

    1. Sandee, it does have its moments, but this year we haven't had a winter.

  5. Looks like fun to me, but would feel different if I was in one of those vehicles. On those rare occasions when we get freezing rain here you see a lot of that.

    1. Ron, here it is usually just snow and not freezing rain.


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