Tuesday, June 25, 2013

NewsBusted 6/25/13 ~ NewsBusters.org


  1. She was on a tear this time. Ya know Marvin is an old Indian name that means "Picked on a lot".

  2. Kim and Kanye should rename themselves "Running Turkey". So full of poop and no common sense.

  3. Admiral, I did not know that, so let's get to work.

  4. Supi, That's what a lot of the locals call tourists up here ... Turkeys. They look up in a rain storm and drown. In the winter they argue they don't need chains and ten minutes later we're pulling them out of a ditch.

  5. Chris Matthews is an even bigger idiot than Obama is.

    Love the Bush poll. He is more popular. Bwahahahaahhaha.

    Have a terrific day Odie. ☺

  6. Chris Matthews: The Sun is racist!

    Duh: It clearly shins more on people with a deeper tan.

  7. what a whacky world we live in Woodsy!!!

  8. Snndee, the boy king will go down in history as the communist that Almost changed America.

  9. I watch Chris Matthews from time to time so I can remind myself of just how stupid liberals are. A good dose of Chris will elimate the need for X-lax!


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