Sunday, January 20, 2013

Traffic In Washington Leading Up To Inauguration Day

Thank You Matt Ross !

GO 49ers


  1. My first reaction was, "Where are all of those Democrats going?" -- Then I read the caption.

    Some time I can be so slow.

  2. That is awesome Odie! Posted...

  3. Bwahahahahahahaha, but all those sheep are so very happy. Idiots.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  4. LL, if you're attending the inauguration, please take alternate routes. The Beltway will be murder.

  5. Opie, the Pantload will help them suck us dry.

  6. Sandee, of course they are. Their leader will be King!

  7. Looks like a photo from the last inauguration, sans the grecian columns.

  8. For heavens sakes when will these pathetic socialists stop with the George Bush comparisons, . Frankly it’s becoming not only stupid, but laughable. It blows my mind when I constantly here people say “So did Bush” For Christ's sake, when will the “Blame Bush” crap expire?
    First off, Iran was NOT the threat that it is now when Bush was in office, and for Oboze and his VP to say that Iran is no where near ready to have a bomb is just insane. Should we wait until they are ready? Is that your solution?
    And as for Israel being our friend, just ask any Israeli if they feel that way. And my bashing Moochele's looks is my answer to this blooger's post. And I stand by it. Did you feel the same way when all these phoney bleeding hearts bashed Saral Palin and the FREAKS that insulted her and her children? I'd bet not.
    This pathetic socialists actually think he has answers? And his pathetic progressive followers really think that he can walk on water! He continues to divide and destroy this country with his socialist unworkable fiscal programs that cannot work or be paid for.
    He continues to run up our debt at over a trillion a year and calls it a solution ? So yes, Obama is a socialist. By “socialist,” I may not mean a Lenin, Castro, or Mao, type of socialist but Obama falls within the type of modern socialism as, for example, liken to Germany’s Social Democrats, French Socialists, or Spain’s socialist-workers party.
    Obama’s progressive tax agenda on the rich to redistribute their income and wealth is dead set on what he calls “the rich to pay their fair share”. (As he has said: “When you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”
    What ever you want to call him, he’s a nauseating con artist and failure. He has absolutely no idea how to lead but he is wonderful at name calling and dividing America. I can remember when it was not to long ago that America was the leader of the free world, and where are we now? We are the laughing stock of the Communist world. And in dept up to Obozo’s flapping ears. And the stupid Liberals are still clinging to Hope and Change. Lots of luck with that.
    This inauguration is a sad day for America. Obama is truly the worst President in our history. You can be sure that I won’t be watching the inauguration. Not on your life.
    What self-respecting lover of America would want to attend this gathering of Marxist socialists anyway?
    But rejoice, the First Moocher has a new haircut.

  9. Brooke, If you've seen one Pantload inauguration, you've seen them all.

  10. I used this same image yesterday. Like most Obama rallies, and this is what it is, there will be a stinking mess to clean up after its over. Obamaites, just don't know how to clean up after themselves. Obama should at least teach then to wipe their own butts. But then can you really expect anything less from dumb sheepe.

  11. Kithogan, Wooh ... What would that comment look like if I had a large post? I love your enthusiasm and it's very welcome here.

  12. Ron, what a great idea ... a butt wiping class taught by the Pantload.

  13. In answer to Kithogan, Moochelle has just come out and told us Rick James is the mother of Sushi and Mongolia.

  14. LOL I know a few like that

    Have a good week

  15. The 49ers goed and went and shall go again. Your wish was their command. :)
    As for the sheep - Shepherds pie - lots of muttons. :)

  16. Edutcher, It's good to know he's the mother of something.

  17. Steve, they're great for entertainment value, huh.

  18. Trailbee ... Go 49ers! It will be the Harbaugh Bowl.

    Mutton chops?

  19. Reminds me of 1968 during the "I have a dream" rally. I was on my way to Dover Delaware AF base. I avoided DC like the plague...have ever since.

  20. As one who lives in the D.C. area, I can tell you that the weekend traffic was mostly composed of absolute idiots -- more so than usual. Sheesh. The sheeple were crawling all over the suburbs, too. If only they had been restricted to the Beltway, I could have avoided all these idjits.

  21. Ok, I didn't try an over analyze it, I just laughed. thanks.

  22. Rhonda, I don't blame you. You did good.


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