Thursday, September 27, 2012

Now Let's Hear From An Obama Voter . . .


  1. Bwahahahahahaha. Oh wait, why am I laughing.

    Have a terrific day Odie. :)

  2. Dick, what are you talking about? Oh OK you critic.

  3. That makes as much sense as most of the things an 0bama voter would say.

  4. Here's your October Surprise!..

    Obama Administration Knew Libya Attack Was Terrorism
    Sources confirm to Fox News that the Obama administration knew from Day One that the deadly attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, was an act of terror. White House officials, including President Obama, have held to the explanation that the attack was a 'spontaneous action

    Is anyone surprised at the massive Obamedia cover up?
    Obama’s lies begin to crumble

    Lets just hope at Romney runs with it!

  5. No, no, no... The sheep is more articulate, better educated, and more productive than an Obama supporter.

    (Think wool and chops.)

  6. Just to stupid to see the wolf coming!

  7. I guess obaaaama pulled the wool over their eyes. Mitt supporters better not be sheepish at the polls come voting time.

    Okay, I will quit the baaad jokes.

  8. Brooke, why am I all of a sudden very hungry?

  9. AHHH... They are breeding them...Now I am getting REALLY scared.

  10. Mittin or Mutton...It's better than dog Madhat.

  11. I hear goats follow him too. Maybe it's just a rumor:-)


  12. Looks like Mr. Hardin has difficulty separating his politics from his anti-religious beliefs. It also looks as though he's completely indoctrinated into the high priesthood of socialism and class warfare. Interesting that the two go together so well....


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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