Sunday, September 9, 2012

It's Smarter To Travel In Groups


  1. That's great...I like that last one.

  2. Randy, my brother in law sent me this as he does so many things. It is a true work of art with funny thrown in.

  3. Cute. Gets me in the mood to take a nice trip.

  4. Opie, Bon voyage ... ever think of north?

  5. Well, I'm on the boat, but I'm sure it's a great video. All your videos rock.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  6. Those are all really cute. I have little use for Bird of Prey and as for seagulls---last time I was salt water fishing I reeled in one of those pesty critters who attacked my shrimp---spared him, but I was in a good mood that day!

  7. Bwahahahahaha. I love them all but that bird one make me laugh out loud. Awesome Odie.

    You knew I'd come back right? I thought so.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  8. Sandee, of course I did ... you just can't help yourself.


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