Sunday, October 9, 2011

They Can't Be At Wamart All the Time

Thanks David !


  1. There is far too much wrong with the first picture to even provide comment.

    The others, well....

  2. Did you trade in your bandana for a stocking hat Odie?

  3. I have taped reproductions of the first two photos on my refrigerator with instructions to my children that if they ever see me in this condition, to tie me up in the driveway and run over me numerous times.

  4. Note to self: Eat breakfast prior to checking Woolsterman blog (pic #2).

  5. Deekaman, I'll bet she's embarrassing a whole of friends and family on that stage.

  6. Race, and put down the coffee and swallow first.

  7. I do not know if there is a rule of thumb(or superstition)about photographing the deceased,,,but there should be!

  8. OMG, Odie, these are even worse than the walmart ones! I see that old lady is probably working on one of obummer's shovel ready jobs, heh!

  9. Supi, would you like a little brain bleach with that?

  10. Bunni, he needs all the help he can get. Even if it is old ladies in Hov-arounds.

  11. I have been struck speechless at most of these. Even whiskey foxtrot tango does not do these jewels justice.

  12. Why Walmart? I know they have a few in CA---I helped open the WalMart Distribution center in Porterville many years ago. Suppose I'm missing something here, but then I've missed a lot in my lifetime. Did that guy in the top image drop something out of his hotdog or is it just another tinnie winnie! Just joking Oldie!!!

  13. Oops! Meant to say second image!!! The XXX rated one!

  14. Pic #1 - Guess that high note took everything out of her.

  15. I am permanently scarred by that second pic.

    Waittaminute... Nope. Saw worse working in the ER. I'll just file that under PTSD.

  16. Admiral, One would think a guy would notice if the jewelry box were open.

  17. Ron, I have displayed MANY Walmart people photos here. These are like them, only not in the store.

  18. Ron, sometimes I have to go XXX to see who's paying attention, and you undoubtedly were.

  19. Brooke, seeing is remembering not believing.

  20. Admiral, It is so cool when were here at the same time. Drafty huh.

  21. If you were able to put Woodsterman into a way-back machine, he'd be the boy in the last photo...


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