Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Parting Shot

Here's a shot of the inside of my motorhome taken last
night. I'm headed back home this morning. Oh guess
what? We're supposed to get 10" of snow above 
6000 feet tonight. Hot damn, let the fun and games
of winter begin.


  1. Stay below 6000 feet. Travel safe.

  2. That looks like Beefeaters...

  3. Randy, my house is at exactly 6000 feet.

  4. Just come to upstate NY and see whatcha think of snow by next April or May. Last years we had a total Winters snowfall of 193 inches. I used to love winter...but no more.

  5. Was your drink shaken or stirred? Your Texas Friends are requesting videos of what cold weather looks like.

  6. The glass blower was having some fun with the stem there. Cute. Stay safe.

  7. Cookie, you don't really want to turn this into a pissing contest with someone that lives a couple of miles from Donner Summit do you? I received 20 feet last winter. Check out the paragraph from our paper below.

    Because of record snowfall during winter 2010-2011 (up to 70 feet!), both Alpine Meadows and Squaw Valley USA will reopen for skiing and riding Saturday, July 2 through Monday, July 4 with discounted lift tickets. Squaw will also host the famed 21st Annual Lake Cushing Crossing, a favorite pond-skimming event, Sunday, July 3. Also not-to-be-missed is Big Head Todd and the Monsters July 3 at Squaw, free admission.

    That amount above refers to Donner Summit.

  8. Supi, it was shaken and not stirred. The sun is out this morning, but I'll probably get photo opportunities soon enough. I always like the snow to stay away when I move this beast.

  9. Opie, I have quite a collection of those. I like to keep a couple in the motorhome for special occasions. For example: 5 o'clock.

  10. Great olives...

    I couldn't handle snow this early in the year. You're a brave, brave man, Odie.

  11. Adrienne, and I'm almost too old for this S...

  12. I could get through a storm with some of those.

  13. Your mobile home looks nicer than my actual home. That kinda hurts your redneck cred. Jus' sayin'

  14. We love snow.
    Okay I know you have your limits, but mom says it is great for baking and sewing and watching tv and playing the piano.

    I think Miles and I will just look at your photos when you can get them up

    be safe! and bonks

  15. Pierro, Miles, and Mom, I'll do my best. It's snowing right now, but it's the kind that melts as soon as it hits the ground. Easy clean up.


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