Wednesday, October 12, 2011

They Can't Be At Walmart All the Time III

Thanks David !


  1. Odie, The 3rd photo is not Walmart shoppers but a Google 'Street View' of my house!

    I and my friends don't mind but my Wife will not be pleased by this going public!

  2. OK, I have to comment on the 2nd photo as it is too bizarre.

    This perverted moron reminds me of a coworker who wished to lose some weight. All the while he kept tightening his belt (over-tightening that is) to give the illusion of a quicker solution/result?

    Well in the past 2 months he burst both his Gall Bladder and his Appendix, yes I said BURST.

    Walmart shopper no clue but idiot, most definitely!

  3. Are those helicopter blades on Michelle Obama's chest?

  4. Hey someone does have a shovel ready job!

  5. I'm speechless. Why's that guy got a cord tied so tightly around his waist? Weird!!!

  6. Christopher, I'm sorry you confused me for a minute. When you said street view a thought you meant the second photo. I have it straightened out now ... I think.

  7. Randy, there was bound to be one at $850,000,000,000.00.

  8. Adrienne, To make his "whoo-ha" look bigger.

  9. What a twisted mind you have Oldie!!! Oops I like the images!!!

  10. When the Aliens return who would blame them for thinking " we should have just put them down in the first place".

  11. #1: Someone's ass got really elderly before the rest of him...

    #2: EYE BLEACH, STAT!!!

    #3: If a girl wants something done...

    #4: I might consider this, with the way my kids can act.

    #5: Um, no.

    #6: The most horrific picture you have ever posted. Have you no decency, man?

  12. The Green jobs have arrived! The wind powered first Lady... and the Fat powered moto-generator...real inventiveness!

  13. First'd think he'd feel a draft.
    Second photo...looks like he's wearing the rest of the first guys pants.
    Third photo...the three guys must be taking a break from the OWS protest.
    Fourth fell asleep waiting for Mom at the DMV.
    Fifth photo...zoom, zoom, zoom (or is that boom, boom, boom).
    Last photo...wind her up and watch her go.

  14. #2 - Oh my! brain bleach needed. What a small dick. You would think he wouldn't want to show that off.

    #5 - Let the sparks fly...

    #6 - Fuggly and dumberer

  15. Ron, Twisted? Why, all the better to see you with.

  16. Scott, yes it's a fat powered MoTo generator.

  17. Teresa, Glad you liked #2? Maybe the photo was too be.

    Fuggly and Dumberer works.

  18. The photos are wrong... particularly the last one. Michelle Obama has impossibly bad taste in clothes and in men.

  19. It is a big world full of strangeness.

    Normal is not what it used to be.

  20. Of all the fugly clowns, morons and imbeciles you've had on your blog, those two in the last pic here ARE THE WORST!

    They even beat out (off) the guy with the little yellow thingy ;-)


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