Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hangover Finalists 2 ...

Thanks David !


  1. OMG~ One of those reminds me of a guy I dated during my drinking days. Crap was flying from both ends.

    Have a Good Weekend :)

  2. Odie,
    You are now the first stop on Mr. AOW's blog rounds (irregular though they may be).

    I'm going to turn him into a blogging addict.

  3. Guys can handle it. Drunk guys passed out on the floor are very amusing (because I did it sometimes) but women passed out on the floor like that is tragic.

  4. Man, how hard did that last dude hit the toilet?

    Off to the tank with him!

  5. Stopsign, I'm sure to have a great weekend with that vision in my mind.

  6. On Watch, glad to help. And to think some people don't admit they come here.

  7. Brooke, what tank? He tore that off the wall.

  8. The dude on the bike brings back a baaaad memory...

  9. Lady, Not meant to be. Just a stroll down our memory lane.

  10. The guy in the chunder-struck silver sedan... That whole scene has a creepy familiarity to it...

  11. Odie: I meant the drunk tank.


  12. Seen some of those, been in some of those in my youth and man I can only think of a shows title that can sum up my thoughts "1000 Ways to Die".

    In the shows opening a narrator says in part (paraphrasing) "with a thousand ways to die, it's amazing any of us are still alive"

  13. "...And there were creatures on my chest...Who Are You" ,The Who. I passed out on someone's kitchen floor when I was very young and they put chairs on my chest and sat on them. AHHH, the days of wine and...lost youth. Somebody get that last guy off the throne. His head is gonna explode!

  14. Oh for the good ole days! Yep, they had there bad moments as well as the good ones. Have some great memories from my old drinking days and have pretty much pushed the bad times back into the id.

  15. If I hadn't stopped the fun, I would after seeing these masterpieces. I feel like a voyeur! Great!

  16. Christopher, it's a wonder for any of us in our yute.

  17. Ron, and some memories never made it out of the id.

  18. trailbee, welcome to the insanity that is Woodsterman.

  19. WHT, I hope these don't bring back memories.

  20. Opie, don't be so quick to judge ... could you spot me?

  21. These are advertisements for abstaining from booze!


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