Monday, October 17, 2011

Government Cutbacks - NEEDED

Why not start now, from the top, trimming taxpayer 
paid family vacations, and the political campaigning

Blessed are the Cracked
for they let in the Light!
Salary of retired US Presidents .............$180,000 FOR LIFE
Salary of House/Senate ........................$174,00​0 FOR LIFE
Salary of Speaker of the House ............$223,500 FOR LIFE

Salary of Majority/Minority Leaders ...... $193,400 FOR LIFE

Average Salary of a teacher ................ $40,065

Average Salary of Soldier DEPLOYED IN AFGHANISTAN $38,000

Don't forget our Representatives voted
for this ... PASS THIS ON !

Thanks Dan !


  1. The thought of a gazzillionaire like Pelosi skimming a quarter million more a year for life from the taxpayers of a bankrupt country is infuriating to me. You should bring that up at the next board meeting Odie.

  2. This needs to be posted early on the week before November 6th 2012.

  3. Admiral, that can be arrange, but I think we all should post it.

  4. Don't forget the REAL money pours in when they leave office and become a lobbyist or board member of some lib group or corporation...Insider congressional trading in influence must be stopped somehow.

  5. This money is chicken feed when compared to the graft that they rake in.

  6. Did anyone see Ron Paul's new economic plan? It included cutting the salary of the President to just over 30k.

  7. The lst salaries we should eliminate RIGHT NOW are barries and all his commie buddy czars and crazy bff's like reid and pee lousy! That would be a great start.

    And, when we're rid of him in OUR HOUSE, his grifting beard and her out of control spending will save the equilivant of the national debt!

  8. I should have had a government job. Almost all have better retirement benefits than those in the private sector. Teachers(I know they are public) get very little also! One of my closest friend in a retired Mississippi State Senator---he served 3 four-year terms and that qualified him for retirement. Not a bad deal for 12 years of work.

  9. Scott and LL nailed it!

    See, the problem is that THEY get to vote THEMSELVES pay increases, ect.

    It should be put on the ballot in November for WE THE PEOPLE to decide what merit pay they get.

    They'd probably owe US money.

  10. Scott, I don't mind private sector money coming in, but I don't like public sector money to this extent. Don't forget OUR elected officials voted for this for themselves.

  11. Trestin, I haven't seen it, but I heard some details on Rush.

  12. Bunni, I think congress has the power to defund the czars, but sit on their collective asses!

  13. Ron, yup, most of us work our whole lives and pay for our retirements.

  14. Yes, quite true...this is not a partisan issue...just an American common sense one.

  15. I think we are past the point of paying the POTUS a salary, they get rich enough, and most running are rich anyway. It doesn't save much money, but its the principle...

  16. Scott, it speaks to the issue of ethics.


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