Saturday, October 15, 2011

Elle Richie ~ OR ~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style


  1. Are those false eyelashes I detect? I can't stand falsies! Rowwrrrrr! (jealous cat fight noises)

    Actually, she is cute and sexy. I don't blame you for liking her, Odie.

  2. She is a cutie, I'm sure all your guy readers are very happy today, Odie.

    It sure beats looking at the "people of walmart", heh.

  3. She is an eye pleaser but her butt is rather flat for lack of other terminology.

    Not being a critic, it is just besides a gals smile, their posterior is one of my favorite attributes of the fairer sex so I notice these things :)

  4. Bunni, but wouldn't it be great to see her at WalMart.

  5. Christopher, and all you other picky guys. I picked this video for the towel over boob scene. Remember this is Rule 5 Woodsterman Style ... and it pleases ME.

  6. Odie, Did you miss my part about being "eye-pleasing"?

    Not being picky my friend as being married my picking is done (well actually my Wifes), just being my usual observant self.

    p.s., The towel aside (excuse the pun), ya' just got to love her accent as well!

  7. Christopher, I was also being a critic Woodsterman Style.

  8. ..oh, NOW I understand where you got the inspiration for the "You have two cows" thing above.

  9. But...but...but does the carpet match the drapes?

  10. LL, that would take further investigation.

  11. Linking your fun-lovin Limey bird here

    TV Girls I Had a Crush On When I Was 15:
    Jaclyn Smith on 'Charlie's Angels'~


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