Thursday, October 6, 2011

A practical example of how the human mind works.

In the picture below, we will analyze what it 
represents to some groups of people.
Read the review after the photo...

- For young men, it's a nice ass. Only the most observant will define 
this as an ass crossing the street. The really observant will see the thong.
- For older men, it is a respectable woman with a nice butt
crossing the street.
- The perverts will imagine her as a naked woman..
- The wise men will ponder the presence of mind of the photographer in 
the face of such beauty and gratitude that it was shared with humanity.
- For half of the women, this is an ordinary woman who should not have 
left home dressed that way.
- The other half is wondering where she bought that blouse.
- The wise women imagine the misery that this will be at 50.
- Children, the curious, and monks will probably notice a 
dog driving the taxi..

Don't be alarmed, I didn't see the dog either.


  1. I think for you Odie it is all of the above. (:

    Take care old man,

  2. Evidently I am not a child anymore...
    I love it!

  3. You are so observant, Odie.

    I heard you got a ton of snow, yuck. Hope you don't work too hard clearing it out.

  4. I was pondering the fabric and wondering if she knew what she looked like from behind.

  5. Interesting cross-sections of view points.

    I fall into a broad range of categories on this one,

  6. I think broad was the wrong word there? ;-)

  7. LOL, Opus, I was wondering if the poor woman owned a mirror and if she bothered to check all angles before leaving the house.

  8. Mike, why do I feel old every time you stop by?

  9. Randy, it had to be pointed out to me too.

  10. Deekaman, Wear it like a badge of honor ... I do.

  11. Bunni, I'm going to let this melt on its own ... I hope.

  12. Opie, wide load huh. I prefer my views from the rear a little narrower.

  13. Fuzzy, were you referring to a wide mirror?

  14. Correct evaluation Fuzzy. I see too much here that I wouldn't want to see in five or ten years.

  15. no comment at all!..ah yes she must have shopped in the childrens a great rest of the day my friend~:)

  16. I think the dog is gay, why isn't he checking her out...?

  17. I'm with Opus and Fuzzy. She's a tad out of proportion...

  18. RR, we've all seen how dogs can carry on.

  19. Adrienne, Just a little long in the butt, huh.

  20. I'm with Opus, Fuzzy, and Adrienne. She looks like she picked out the wrong size pants - a wee bit too small.

  21. BonkNICE snow pics. Ohhhh man, you are in for it this winter. I hope you get a jillion inches of snow.
    do you stock up on wood and fabric (for the Mrs) and fuel and food?

    Mom thinks that lady's butt is too big and she should lay off the Snickers bars and hit the gym

    No, we did not see the doggie driving either, just the HUGE BUTT


  22. I saw the dog first and I never, never lie. I take after our beloved president!

  23. I completely missed the dog, Odie - can't think why! ;-)

  24. Teresa, It was either that, or she pick out a butt three sizes too big.

  25. Pierro, Miles, and Mom, The wood and fabric are stored, but so is the firewood. We go through 4 cords of it keeping the house warm with the wood stove.

    Happy Big Butt Bonkes to you.

  26. Spidey, it's not that it's hard to see the forest from the trees, but it's hard to see the dog from the butt.

  27. Stopsign, there's a lot of that going around.

  28. Okay, what was the rest of that post about?

  29. ..I wondered where the woman got those outlandish hoop ear rings. What does that say about me?

  30. TWP, start looking for a new place in San Francisco.

  31. Subvet, I have to say ... "You Got It "

  32. "TV Girls I Had a Crush On When I Was 15:
    Elaine Nardo (Marilu Henner) on TAXI"

    I still do.

  33. Marine, never admit you had a crush on TV girls ....


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