Friday, October 21, 2011

Only in San Francisco

Restaurant nudity to be debated in San Francisco

By Abby Sewell (The Los Angeles Times)
Thu Oct 20 2011 8:41 AM
Nudist foodies in San Francisco may soon find themselves forced to cover up.

Public nudity is legal in the Bay Area city, and no one is suggesting that residents will be barred from taking a stroll down the street or a picnic at the park in the buff.

But restaurants may soon be off limits to the unattired, and San Francisco supervisors are also considering codifying a practice that nudists call "normal etiquette," by requiring those who bare it all in public to lay down a cover on public seating before they sit down.

The Board of Supervisors public safety committee will consider the ordinance, introduced by Supervisor Scott Wiener, at a hearing Thursday, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

Wiener said last month that the ordinance is "about basic public health."

Nudists will be able to voice their opinions at the supervisors' meeting, but they will be required to cover up in City Hall, the Chronicle reported. 
*Check out the Supervisor's name ... I guess he'll be the 
Master-debater ...  (Original Article HERE) 


  1. San Fran is only good for one thing: making Oregon look reasonable by comparison.

  2. Filthy pervs. They need an ass kicking so hard they CAN'T sit down.

    Only in San Fran is this even a question.

  3. But Global Warming and all...surely we must permit them to let it all hang out! I hear CA gets a strict new Crap and Tax law soon.

  4. San Andreas, do your stuff. Sodom & Gommorah will look like a picnic.

  5. Randy, there's always enough Wiener to go around.

  6. Scott, they're going to tax us by the toilet paper square. Sheryl Crow will pay the least tax. She only uses one square at a time. A smelly bottom bitch, huh.

  7. Finally the mystery is solved about that brown stain on my pants from my last trip out to the city by the bay.

  8. Ron, do you know the difference between an oral and an rectal thermometer? ... It's the taste!

  9. What San Francisco needs a killer frost followed by about 10 feet of snow.

    Do you think it could be moved to Siberia?

  10. Great way to stay on your diet...go to a restaurant that allows people to eat in the nude. What an incentive.

  11. Dear God,

    Really? How bad does it have to get before you need to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah?

  12. Rightly, it looks like they're having a board meeting soon. Why don't you bring it up.

  13. Lady, it depends on ones surroundings as to ones hunger.

  14. wtng2fish, I think that might be brought up at the next meeting.

  15. Nobody would want to see me practicing nudism. Too old for that, thanks.

    Furthermore, I've seen some old folks who liked to flaunt it all. They were more attractive not flaunting it all.

  16. Can't spare a square...It's the JOOOS fault!

  17. On Watch, sorry for the delay. I was busy getting my towel just right.


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