Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What's Behind This ?

Stolen from I Own The World . Com (H/T)


  1. With all that vay-cay food, Mooochelle has ass enough for both of 'em.

  2. Wonder if Michele's servants wears those shirts too.

  3. Guess I'm an ass man too! You get a better look then they are walking away as opposed to coming toward you!

    Leaving you a link you might like hope it takes: Kenyan Dung Beetle

  4. BO gets the award for being the head ass.

  5. My wife was a case study in the best walking away pants in town...and nothing upstairs...oops that didn't come out right. Obummer has no ass and nothing upstairs...President Zero.

  6. I can't imagine the man who would willingly gaze on Michelle's nude form. Well, then again, I guess that I can guess and - yeah, it would be BHO.

  7. Good post, I like checking out girls' butts lol

    Linked at RR, will be glad to update link to fresh post when you have it...

    Hot Romanian Chicks IV: Miss Universe!

  8. Thanks RR, I usually post my decadence on Saturdays.


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