Friday, September 2, 2011

NewsBusted 9/2/11 ~


  1. Obama golfed while America burned.

    And then he made a speech about how his ideas keep getting ignored.

    And then he blamed someone else for his problems.

    And then he went on vacation to golf some more.

    Do we see a pattern here?

  2. I love the was she pounds on 0bama. I can't wait until he fades into obscurity.

  3. Great stuff, as usual, Odie.
    I wish obummer would do like the japan leader and QUIT!

  4. I agree with Bunni, Obama should save us all the agony and quit. Buffett will tax anything as long as it doesn't affect him. What a friggin hypocrite!

  5. Admiral, the poor little guy doesn't stand a chance.

  6. Bunni, Japan seems to be more advanced than us at times.

  7. Teresa, Tax that sucker ... it's what he wants!

  8. Crisis means to O it's time to play.

  9. Supi, crisis, for him, is losing his balls.


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