Saturday, April 9, 2011

There Are Worse Things Than Oil on the Beach ...

Thanks David


  1. It is good these people are visiting the beach. The wave action will help to clean those areas that the larger ones have a tough time reaching for hygienic purposes.

  2. And yet I keep coming back here....Heh.

  3. Opie, haven't you left a similar comment here before?

  4. Randy, yup just when you thought it was safe.

  5. 'Aye Captain, there be whales aboard!'

  6. It could be worse, at least you didn't show that pic of barry boy shirtless running on the beach. I REALLY would have puked up my cheerio's w/ THAT.

  7. Bunni, I thought a shirtless barry was going to be the last picture.

  8. Bunni, there is a part two that has been posted for tomorrow already.

  9. Now Supi, you and Bunni can be devious at times.

  10. This is why I prefer to go boating opposed to the beach.

  11. Christopher, You could encounter this boating too, me thinks.

  12. When we went to Hawaii I was shocked to see so many really, really fat old ladies in teeny tiny bikinis.

    I had shopped for eons for a suit to cover up my faults and these old broads were "letting it all hang out."

    And what's with those penis snuggies? Who the hell wants to see an orange penis?

  13. I love the look on the guy behind that girl bending over in the second to the last photo. Imagine his view!

  14. Adrienne, penis snuggies? I love it, but your asking the wrong guy about who wants to see them ... I'm Straight and proud of it.

  15. Lady, I must admit I completely missed it because he and I were staring in the same direction.

  16. So is this your new Rule 5 contribution for the week? Pretty dicey stuff.

  17. Euripides, "Rule 5 Woodsterman Style".

  18. Oh boy! The clothes that people wear or should I say don't wear? Those pics were pretty bad.

  19. Odie, was that you in the second picture on the right?


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