Thursday, April 28, 2011

Birthday Reminder . . . .

Our little girl is growing up!!  

This week we celebrate a special birthday.

Monica Lewinsky turns 44.  
Can you believe it?

It seems like only yesterday, she was crawling around the White House
on her hands and knees, putting everything in her mouth.

They grow up so fast, don't they?

Old News, but it sure is fun to remind
everyone who these people are.


  1. Monica took a dress into a drycleaner that happened to be hard of hearing... When she asked if he could remove the stain, he didn't hear her clearly so he said "come again" to which she replied "no, it's mustard this time"...

  2. And day after day I keep coming back....Outstanding Odie, and BAA that was a classic too!

  3. I still remember the leftist spin on the cover up - "It's just sex."

    Clinton was a scumbag.

  4. Mustard Born Again? Have I got a bridge for you.

  5. Randy, welcome back. Don't ever forget what that A%$H**$ said on national TV to the American people.

  6. Euripides, It wasn't sex, I never had sex with that woman . . . . Honest this is my real birth certificate, I'm a proud Muslim, I mean Christian, Or my favorite, we're not at war in Libya. I just don't see any difference.

  7. On Watch, American Morals and time flew since that time.

  8. I don't see why they havent used her for the "Got Milk" commerical yet.

  9. And the all time great Clinton quote: "That depends on what your definition of 'is' is."

  10. Where was she yesterday when we needed her?

  11. Euripides, and who's dress "is" is on.

  12. Freedom Fighter, welcome to Woodsterman, and enjoy the world of blogging.

    She might of been able to spread some "good nature" on that fake Birth Certificate.

  13. Okay, this made me (really) laugh out loud. Is that bad?

  14. I wonder if Clinton smoked a cigar in honor of her birthday.

  15. Fuzzy, it means you share the Woosterman's warped sense of humor. The only cure is a daily visit I'm afraid.


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